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Reception admissions:

Parents and carers will need to apply for Reception 2025 places online on the Walsall Council website (Walsall Council School admissions website). The application window opens on Monday 4th November 2024 and the deadline for completing an application is 15th January 2025 at 10pm.


The school admissions team can be contacted by telephone (01922 652585) between 8:45 am and 5:15 pm Monday to Thursday and 8:45 to 4:45 on Fridays. The team is permanently located at the Civic Centre.


EYFS Open mornings are:

Thursday 23rd January at 10:30am.

Thursday 6th February  at 10:30am.

Thursday 6th March at 10:30am.

Thursday 8th May at 10:30am.

For further information and to book on a visit contact the school office on 01543 452664.


Nursery places advert

Secondary School admissions:

Applications need to be made online at -  You may need to complete an additional application form for certain secondary schools (these are listed on the front of the parents information leaflet and can be downloaded from the school admissions pages of the Walsall Council website, or the website of the appropriate secondary school). 


The closing date for applications is 31st October 2024 (10.00pm) but the Admissions Team recommend that you aim to submit your application by 21st October 2024, as the school is closed the following week for half-term holiday. 

It is vitally important that all applications are made on time as late applicants may not receive a place at their chosen schools (Walsall Council Secondary admissions website)


Midyear admissions:

The Local Authority now deal with all midyear admissions. Parents seeking a mid-year admission should apply for a place online using the following link:

Should you wish to discuss your admission you may contact the admissions team on 01922 652585.

Guidance from Walsall Council: Oversubscription criteria for primary schools in Walsall.

If there are more applications than there are places available, places will be allocated using the Oversubscription Criteria from Walsall council.

The following is in order of priority:

  • Children in Public Care (looked after children).
  • Pupils who have a sibling already in attendance at the school, who will be still attending the school at the proposed admission date.
  • Pupils for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker. (Applications will be subject to verification by Walsall Children’s Services).
  • Distance between the home address and the school as measured in a straight line with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.

If you require help completing your online application forms you can telephone Walsall’s Parent Support Advisor on 01922 652578 or Admissions and Pupil Place Planning Team on 01922 652585.
