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Modern Foreign Languages


Our chosen modern foreign language is French. Key Stage 2 children study french for an hour every week. These lessons cover the following areas: 

  • speaking & listening;
  • reading & writing;
  • cultural understanding;
  • grammatical understanding of language;
  • language learning strategies.


Our aim is to make the learning as enjoyable and as interactive as possible.


We build children’s independence through the use of ICT with a variety of websites and packages such as Rigolo. We promote child-centred learning activities, games, rhymes and songs.


Our learning is cross-curricular and often involves aspects of Maths, Geography, ICT and English. In addition, the children develop a greater awareness of cultural differences and similarities in other countries as they learn about festivals and customs in France.


We enjoy an annual French day which allows pupils to enjoy the best food, music and craft activities the country has to offer!


Curriculum Overview & Policy
