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Lower Key Stage 2

Welcome to Lower Key Stage Two





Year 3 teacher: Miss Harrison (maternity leave covered by Mr Richard Baker)

Year 3 teaching assistant: Mrs Portsmouth & Miss Lane


Year 4 teacher: Miss Ball

Year 4 teaching assistant: Mrs Bonjovi & Mrs Baker 


The Year 3 and 4 staff will be adding content to this page for you to enjoy throughout the year that will link to the subjects we are covering. We hope you have lots of fun exploring our page. 


A28 - I have the right to an education.

A29 - My education helps me to develop my personality, talents and abilities. 

A31 - I have the right to rest, relax, play and take part in cultural activities. 


Log in to Times Tables Rock Stars and practise your multiplication and division skills. Keep checking to see if we have sent you a challenge! Can you beat us? 










A great way to practise your spellings is by using our spelling learning platform: Spelling Shed. This allows you to practise your spellings in a fun and engaging way.


Click on the link below and start earning points!


In Y3 and Y4, Ed Shed spellings are set on a Thursday and are due the following Wednesday. 



Welcome to Year 3

This year our focus author is Enid Blyton. We'll be finding out all about this person, including how many books they've written and the titles of these books. Discover more about Enid Blyton at 


This meets the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Article 16 (Protection of Privacy) & Article 17 (Access to Information).

Year 3 English


This term, we will be reading 'Storm' by Kevin Crossley-Holland. This story will allow Year 3 to focus on character and setting description. We will be using codes such as show not tell, subordinating conjunctions and figurative language. 



Afternoons in Year 3

This half term, we are learning about:


Art- Sculpture (Clay Pots)

A31 - creative activities

History- Stone Age to Bronze Age 

A17 - access to information

Computing- Dazzling Data 

A29 - talents developed

Science- Amazing Bodies 

A24 - best health

Fun activities linked to our afternoon lessons:

Science- Amazing Bodies

History- Stone Age to Bronze Age

In History we will be learning about the Stone Age and Bronze Age. We will learn about settlements, cave art and much more!

Welcome to Year 4

This year our focus author is J.K. Rowling. We'll be finding out all about this author, including how many books they've written and the titles of these books. What can you find out about them? 


Why not take a look at our virtual library which includes some of JK Rowling's famous stories.

Fun activities linked to our class read: Harry Potter

Year 4 English


In English, Year 4 will be exploring Greek mythology alongside our Ancient Greek history topic. The children will be undertaking research into Greek gods and creating their own non-chronological reports based on the information they find. We will be exploring useful ways of presenting information in non-chronological reports and using these features in their own work. The children will be reading some of the myths related to Greek gods and key figures and how these stories came about as the people tried to explain natural phenomenon around them.



Afternoons in Year 4:

This half term, we are learning about:


History- Ancient Greece

Art- Temples

Computing- Technology Detectives

Science- Who am I?

RE: Christians and Hindu answers to questions

Fun activities linked to our afternoon lessons:

History- Ancient Greece

A17- access to information

Our History topic is Ancient Greece. This unit enables pupils to develop a chronological knowledge and understanding of the Ancient Greeks.

Pupils will study significant aspects of life during the Ancient Greek period, researching Greek settlements, understand changes in the aspect of social history (including civilisations, class systems, beliefs and trades), develop their chronological understanding; and explain how the key events of the time period impacted on global life, discuss significant events and significant people - analysing and evaluating the impact of the historical figure – Alexander the Great. Before we explore why the period ended? And the legacy of the Ancient Greeks.   


Have a look at the videos and activities on the link.

Art- Temples

A31- rest, play, culture and arts

Our Art and Design topic this half will be Temples, which will be linked to our History learning. Pupils will explore the temples from Ancient Greece, recognising the style of architecture. Through using their sketchbooks, they will plan and sketch ideas from photographs as inspiration, using different grades of pencils to vary tone and different techniques (including shading and hatching for different purposes). Children will also begin to add three-dimensional elements within their drawings.

How to draw an Ancient Greek Temple Real Easy

Learn how to draw an Ancient Greek Temple real easy Draw real easy.

Science- Who am I?

A24- health, water, food, environment

In Science this term, we will be focussing on our topic ‘Who am I?’

This topic allows the children to focus on the animal kingdom and changes that have occurred. The children will gain new knowledge about pond and water animals, learn about vertebrates and invertebrates, use sorting diagrams and explore the impact humans have had on water environments. There will be opportunities to work scientifically through experiments and discussions.


RE- Christian and Hindu answers to questions

A14- Right to your religion

In RE this half term, our topic is ‘Christian and Hindu answers to questions’.

The children will get to explore and compare both religion’s ideas on some big questions including:  What is God like? What matters most in life? What happens when we die? The children will also get to relate what they learn into their own daily lives through sharing stories and experiences.

Computing- Technology detectives.

A29- Talents developed

We will be learning about the world wide web and hardware. You could practise using your coding skills on purple mash.
