UNICEF UK recognise the excellent work we do in school to empower children to know their rights as a local and global citizen. Our daily practices embody the United Nations Conventions on The Rights of the Child, so that all children are: treated with dignity and fairness, protected, supported to achieve their full potential and encouraged to participate fully in the world.
The UN convention is a Human Rights Treaty that recognises children as equal to adults and therefore entitled to rights. Along with many other countries, the UK signed up to the treaty in 1991. UNICEF UK is a registered charity that raises funds through donations from individuals, organisations and companies. They campaign to keep children safe across the world. If you would like to know more about the wonderful work of UNICEF go to www.unicef.org.uk
What does being a Rights Respecting school mean for you/your child?
It simply means that your child will be treated as an important individual who is empowered to recognise their rights and has a voice to address any issues of concern relating to themselves or others. They will be respected and their talents will be nurtured so that they are able to thrive.
It also means that we look outwards to discuss and advocate for rights locally and globally and we work hard to support where we can, often through fundraising and raising awareness.
Because of the work we do with our children, we believe that they embody the ethos of care and respect and develop as happy, healthy, responsible and active citizens.
Things we have done recently:
*Hosted and raised money as part of Macmillan Coffee morning (A24)
*Donated food during Harvest to our local food bank (A24, 27)
*Celebrated Anti-bullying week, including fundraising for Odd Socks Day (A2, 12, 19)
*Celebrated World Children's Day (20th Nov)
*Completed a library survey for new non-fiction books (A17)
*Launched our 'Walk More, Drive Less' competition following World Children's Day.
(The winning leaflet and poster were merged and sent home with every child in order to raise awareness of 'walking more' in the local community. The Rights Respecting Ambassadors also displayed the winning poster and leaflet in the local area.)
*World Book Day celebrated and Read For Good sponsored read completed. (A28, A31)
*Fundraising events for our school, the RSPCA and Oxfam. Charities chosen by pupil voice.