Nursery Teacher: Mrs Lydia Farnell
Nursery Teaching Assistant/ Early Years Practioner: Miss Emma Owen
Nursery Teaching Assistant 30 hours: Mrs Sarah Bayliss
EYFS leader/Reception Teacher: Miss Lizzie Pascall
Reception Teaching Assistant: Miss Amelia Brown
Learning Support: Mrs Vikki Tapper and Mr Jack Wellings
A28 - I have the right to an education.
A29 - My education helps me to develop my personality, talents and abilities.
A31 - I have the right to rest, relax, play and take part in cultural activities.
In Reception, the children will be learning about:
You can support your child in this topic by asking them about the features of your home and showing them the materials used, such as bricks. Books to support:
Visit Simple City on Purple Mash and visit the builders yard for more builder’s themed activities.
In the Nursery, the children will be learning about:
You can support your child by looking at the shapes of houses and matching them to 2D shapes e.g. square windows or a rectangle door.
Books to support:
Make your own shape house using items at home. You can use Tapestry to upload any work completed at home.
Spring Term 2- People who help us
In Reception, the children will be learning about:
You can support your child in this topic by talking about jobs in the family or house. Discuss how we help each other and people who helps and how.
Books to support:
In Nursery, the children will be learning about:
You can support your child in this topic by talking about jobs in the family or house. Discuss how we help each other and people who helps and how.
Books to support:
Easter celebrations
The children will be singing and performing in a bonnet parade. Please send your child in with their completed bonnet in a bag labelled with their name. We cannot wait to see the designs created at home.
Chinese New Year celebrations
Later on in term, will be looking at celebrations from around the world. Children will take part in fun Chinese New Year themed activities, learn about the traditions and customs and even try some Chinese food.
Join us every Monday for our family story cafe. Each week we will share stories with you and your child and give you chance to enjoy exploring stories together. Sessions take place in the Reception classroom at 2:45pm. Please enter via the Oak Park entrance gate.
Join us every Friday for our family story cafe. Each week we will share stories with you and your child and give you chance to enjoy exploring stories together. Sessions take place in the library at 9:05am. Please enter via the main school office after dropping off the children in Nursery.
Our Muddy sessions focus on developing the children's physical skills. We explore how to move around the forest and also the animals that live in our forest. Children observe the changes to the environment each season.
Forest sessions take place each Monday.
Story Sacks will be sent home every FRIDAY and must be returned every TUESDAY. Each sack includes a task sheet to choose from, key words, a storybook and resources to support you complete the tasks. Please upload any work or photos completed from your child’s story sack onto their Tapestry account. You will have received your activation email over the 6 weeks. Please contact the school office if you need to reset your account.
Reception Parent Workshop
We would like to invite Reception parents/carers to take part in Road Safety walk led by the Walsall Road Safety team. This involves a safety walk around the local area and safety workshops led by staff in school This Parent Workshop is taking place on Monday 27th January 2025 1:00-3:00pm. Please sign up via School Comms.
As a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, we believe in educating children about their rights from the UN convention. Our Early Years environment helps to educate pupils about Article 31 (leisure, play and culture) “Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.”