Home Page

Key Stage 1

Welcome to Key Stage One


Year 1 Team

Miss Amy Callaghan and  Mrs Julie Cox



Year 2 Team

Mrs Sophia Probert and Mrs Sian Ferguson



We are your teachers in Year 1 and 2.
We hope you are going to have a fun-filled year learning lots of new and exciting things.
You can use this page to further your learning by using the links and completing the tasks in the subject boxes.


A28 - I have the right to an education.

A29 - My education helps me to develop my personality, talents and abilities. 

A31 - I have the right to rest, relax, play and take part in cultural activities. 



Year 1 Phonics and Spelling workshop - Wednesday 16th October 9-10:15am


Year 2 D&T Moon Buggies - Friday 11th October 2-3pm




We want you to focus on learning and recalling your times tables. You can do this by playing on Times Tables Rock Stars.


Click on this link to take you straight to it.


In Year 2, TTRS homework is set every Friday and needs to be completed by the following Wednesday.


Complete Studio games to increase your speed and get on our leadership board! 


Year 2

1st           Antwan Bluhm (AP)

2nd           Zarah Lane (CO'C)

3rd           Baby Cronin (JB)


Things to practise at home: *x2, x3, x4, x5, x10 *Counting to and from 100 *Number bonds to 10 (i.e. 0+10, 1+9, 2+8, etc.), 20 and 100 *Identifying the place value of a 2 digit number (i.e. 45 = 4 tens and 5 ones = 40 + 5 and showing it in different ways i.e. 30+15, 20+25)


Bring in your work for a MME and praise points! 




Year 1

Our Author focus this year is Dr Seuss, many of our class readers will be from his collection of books. I know you'll love these stories. 


Have a look at our Virtual Library where you will be able to listen to some of the Dr Seuss stories we have shared in class. 

Click the link to find these stories.


Focus texts for Autumn term. 


During reading in Autumn 1 we will be focussing stories and rhymes from our author, Dr Seuss. In Autumn 2, we will be looking at books from familiar settings. These will be stories, poems and non-fiction books about special toys. 

Year 2

Our author focus in Yr 2 is Roald Dahl. Most of our class readers this year will be Roald Dahl books, which I'm sure you will love! 


Why not have a look at our virtual library, you will be able to find all of the Roald Dahl classics here!


Autumn 1 texts: 'The Tale of the Turnip' retold by Jenny Giles and 'The Gingerbread Man' (Ladybird).  



We have been exploring 'The Tale of the Turnip' in Literacy this term. Why not rewrite the story adding ENPs and your own illustrations? Or you could turn the story into a play like the play in the back of our book. Can you get some of your family members to act your play out with you? Get an adult to send in your video. 


Following this, we will be exploring The Gingerbread Man. As part of this, we will be exploring recipe books and instructions. You could: *Follow a recipe with the help of an adult to make something yummy OR *Follow this recipe to make your own Gingerbread Men 

Don't forget to send in some photos for a MME and praise points!


Phonics is a big part of our learning in KS1. You need to learn your red words and use the speed sound chart for spelling.

Here is a website that has lots of red word games for you to play.  



A great way to practise your spellings is by using our spelling learning platform: Spelling Shed. This allows you to practise your spellings in a fun and engaging way.


Click on the link below and start earning points!


In Y1 and Y2, Ed Shed spellings are set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday.


Afternoons in Year 1

This term we will be learning about...


Geography - Where I live...Walsall

A27 -I have the right to a safe home. 

Have you seen these human features in our local area?

Maybe you could go for a walk in our local area, make sure you take some pictures and bring them in to show us. 



Science - Senses. 

A24 -I have the right to clean water, medicine and a safe environment. 
We will be learning about our senses and the body parts linked to these.

Can you match the body part to the correct sense? 


RE - A world of celebrations. 

A14-I have the right to choose my own religion. 
We will be learning about how people celebrate special times, including Baptisms. 

Have you ever been to a Baptism?
Click on the link to watch Dotty and Buzz go to a church and find out all about Baptisms. 


Music - Hey You! (Old School Hip Hop)

A31-​​​​​​​I have the right to rest, play, culture and arts. 
We will be learning about Old School Hip Hop!

One of the songs we will be listening to and using for inspiration is 'It's Like That' by RUN DMC. 

Click the link and have a listen to the song.


Art - Drawing (artist focus: Giuseppe Arcimboldo)  

A31-​​​​​​​I have the right to rest, play, culture and arts. ​​​​​​​

We will be developing our drawing skills focusing on the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. 

Have a go at drawing a portrait using fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Please bring them in or send pictures to the school postbox as we would love to see them. 

Afternoons in Year 2 Autumn term: 


This term, we will be studying…


A31 – Creative activities

Music - We will be learning about 'rock music' singing the song 'I want to be in a band'. We will listen to lots of 'rock' songs by different bands like Queen and Status Quo. What type of instruments can you hear in this song? Click the link to listen!



A17 – Access to information

History – we will be learning about the Apollo 11 Moon landing. We will learn about significant people from the event, which is within living memory and key events. We will also compare space travel today to identify what is the same and what is different.

You could talk to older family members or friends and ask them what they remember about the moon landings or if they remember being told about it from older relatives. You could also research Moon Landings.

The CBBC website has some information, videos and pictures you can look at together:


Design and Technology

A31 – Access to creative activities

We will be learning the technical skills of exploring and using mechanisms within a product. We will learn how to use wheels and axels on a chassis to create our very own moon buggies!




A24 – Right to be healthy


We will be learning about the human life cycle and what we need to survive. Talk to your child about common animals and their offspring. Can they name the offspring? E.g. cow and calf.

You can play lots of games on this website to test your knowledge of animals.



A17 - Access information safely 

We will be learning how to search online safely using the child friendly search engine Swiggle.


