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Our behaviour system

Our behaviour monitoring system rewards children who choose to behave well while identifying and targeting children who choose not to. It is a positive approach towards good discipline that runs throughout the school, promoting high expectations of one another. 


Throughout the day, staff remind children of the importance of following our Golden Rules, making good choices and being 'green'. During our end of day, 'Reflection time', teachers talk to their class about the positive things that have happened that day, such as kindness towards a friend. A child who has behaved well, is awarded a green light for the day which is recorded on our online system called Trackit Lights. 


These green lights are added up throughout the week and lead to a special Friday celebration called Golden Time. 



Every Friday, every child takes part in Golden time for ten minutes. During this special off- timetable time, children take part in a variety of fun, creative or sporting activities. The great news is that those children who have earned a green light, get 5 extra minutes of Golden Time. Achieving a green light every day means a child has an extra 20 minutes! 



A child who remains green every day, all term, will receive a Gold certificate for being 100% Green and will receive a Gold Prize. Silver prizes can be earned if a child hasn't managed to attain green but still have an excellent behaviour record. Bronze prizes are available to those who haven't met the high threshold for Silver but still deserve a reward. No prize is given to a child who does not meet the expectations of bronze.  Children at risk of not attaining a prize will already have been identified and supported and parents would know if this was the case for their child.



Class teachers give a verbal warning to a child who is not following the Golden Rules or making good behaviour choices. This warning encourages the child to stop what they are doing and reflect on how they can improve. After two verbal warnings, the teacher will issue a yellow light which is recorded on Trackit Lights. Children are encouraged to make a positive change in their behaviour so that they don't end the day on yellow. In Reflection time, the teacher will reflect, with the child, if they have earned back their green light. 


If a child’s behaviour is so serious that it is considered extreme then a child may receive a red light. A child can't return to green if they have been issued a red light. It is recorded on Trackit Lights and parents are notified as this is considered unacceptable behaviour. 


A child with a yellow or red light at the end of the day will not have earned their 5 minutes bonus Golden time. They will understand why as this will be discussed with the teacher. 


Every day is a new day. No child will be treated differently because of a choice they made on a previous day. It is very important that all children recognise that they have a fresh start and a new opportunity to have a green light day. 



Because we know that children love to be rewarded for making good choices, teachers also use praise points, stickers. MarvellousMe and verbal praise to congratulate children for good behaviour and good work.


Every child deserves the chance to be noticed for doing the right thing and making good choices and every child deserves the chance to be shown that good things happen when they  make good choices.



Encouraging excellent behaviour is a priority for our school but of course we need parental support to ensure that children understand the system and want to behave well at school and at home.


We believe that school and parents working together can positively impact on a child's behaviour. Teachers will speak honestly but positively with you about your child's behaviour. They may share strategies and ask for your input in putting together behaviour plans. Equally, teachers are more than happy to give advice and support to you. 


Our Pastoral Manager is best placed to give you any support and advice you may need. Please contact Mrs Sue Pearce on the school number. 

