Home Page

Upper Key Stage 2

Welcome to Upper Key Stage Two




Year 5 teacher: Mr Richard Baker

Year 5 teaching assistant: Mr Lewis Holford

Year 6 teachers:  Miss Becky Macey and Mrs Sarah Welsh

Year 6 teaching assistant: Mrs Scott


Welcome to our Year 5 and Year 6 class page...


The Year 5 and 6 staff will be adding content to this page for you to enjoy throughout the year that will link to the subjects we are covering. We hope you have lots of fun exploring our page. 


A28 - I have the right to an education.

A29 - My education helps me to develop my personality, talents and abilities. 

A31 - I have the right to rest, relax, play and take part in cultural activities. 



As you know, by the time you leave Year 4 you should know all of your times tables up to 12x12.

Please keep on practising on Times Tables Rock Stars to increase your fluency and instant recall.


Challenge any of the Year 5 or 6 teachers to see if you can beat them! MME for anyone who beats the teacher!


Mrs Welsh                    Miss Macey




Year 5 and 6 top rockers:

Which top rockers will lead the leader board this half term?

                        Year 5                           Year 6

                      1. Mackenzie Hollywood (JG)               1. Mad Mercury (JG)

                      2. Maddison Alvin (LD)                        2. Brock Rockdust (BK)

                      3. Mike Newquist (AN)                        3. K. C. (CT)     



Year 5 Class Read: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis 



Year 5 Autumn 1: The Boy at the Back of the Class

Year 5 Autumn 2: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz



Year 6 Class Read: The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien




Year 6 Autumn 1 book: The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo

Year 6 Autumn 1 narrative poem: The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes

Year 6 Autumn 2: Greek Myths





A great way to practise your spellings is by using our spelling learning platform: Spelling Shed. This allows you to practise your spellings in a fun and engaging way.


Click on the link below and start earning points!

Afternoons in Year 5


Spring 1

This half term, we are learning about:

Computing - Coding Champions

Science - Isaac Newton

Geography - UK: Economy and Trade

Art - Antony Gormley

French - Body Parts



Spring 2

This half term, we are learning about:

History - Anglo-Saxons and Scots

DT - Anglo-Saxon Tunics

Science - Feel the Force

RE - Opening Up Easter

French - Calendar Months


Fun activities linked to our afternoon lessons this half term:



Have a go at the 2do task that has been set as a home task on your Purple Mash...

Can you create a code which shows the fastest snail?

Purple Mash by 2Simple




Using our learning from our current Science topic, and watching the video below...

Science KS2: Discovering the work of Sir Isaac Newton - BBC Teach

Correctly write five facts about the life and work of Isaac Newton.

If you complete the task, let Mr Thomson know and be rewarded with a MME!




Have a go at solving the word search all to do with the economy and trade within UK and Europe.




Using our learning from our current Art topic, can you use items and materials found around the home to create some installation art in the style of Anthony Gormley.





Below is a wonderful link all about the Anglo Saxons. 

Anglo-Saxons - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize

Here, you can watch videos, play interactive activities and complete quizzes. All of this will help prepare you for your learning across this topic. 

Can you write five favourite facts? Bring it into class to receive a MME and praise points.




This topic, we will have the chance to become Anglo-Saxon fashion designers. Use the template provided to create some designs.



Below, is a link that will support with our latest Science topic, Forces.

BBC Bitesize - Forces 

After watching the video and completing the forces arrow task, test yourself with the online quiz. Correctly answer all four questions about your forces knowledge.

If you complete the task, let Mr Thomson know and be rewarded with a MME!



Create an acrostic poem using the words 'Commitment'.

Follow the tutorial to create your own resurrection garden: Tutorial

Afternoons in Year 6


Autumn 1

This half term, we are learning about:

RE - Sikhs and Hindus (Key Leaders)

Computing - Quizzing

Science - Danger Low Voltage

DT - Steady Hand Game

Music - Happy by Pharrell Williams

History - Battle of Hastings

French - Numbers to 100


Spring 2

This half term, we are learning about:

Art - Pablo Picasso

RE - Remembrance for All

Science - Body Pump

Geography - The World - Climates and Time Zones

French - Who am I?


Fun activities linked to our afternoon lessons this half term:



In this half term, we will be looking at key leaders with in two religions: Sikhism and Hinduism. Can you create your own leader and annotate it with the qualities needed?




In this topic, we will look at creating quizzes and blogging as a way to share feedback. Use Purple Mash to create your own quiz about your favourite topics. If you complete the task, let Miss Macey know and be rewarded with a MME!

Log in to Purple Mash



Using our learning from our current Science topic, can you complete the short game on this page?

 Make the correct changes to the circuit to make them work. If you complete the task, let Miss Macey know and be rewarded with a MME! 


How can you change a circuit? - BBC Bitesize






In this half term, we will be looking at using our knowledge of electrical systems to create our own steady hand game. Use Purple Mash to design your own steady hand game.

See the pictures for inspiration.





In this topic, we will learn the song 'Happy'. Listen to the song to learn the words! 




In this topic, we will look at the significant turning point of the Battle of Hastings.  Can you remember what the Bayeux Tapestry looked like? Have a go at creating your own using the template provided. 

Bring it back to Miss Macey for a MME!

