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Maths curriculum

Our Maths curriculum has a spiral approach to teaching which means that children are taught, but then revisit, key areas of learning. This allows a logical progression from simplistic ideas to more complicated concepts and supports the ‘mastery’ of mathematics for all pupils. 


Each year group have their own programmes of study and end of year objectives, detailed in the attachments. Despite the different starting points of the children, it is our aim that they all work towards their end of year milestones.


In the EYFS, children are given opportunities to develop their mathematics skills daily through purposeful adult-led activities and through engaging continuous provision. Children explore early number recognition, manipulation, pattern, shape and measure through guided practical maths based tasks. 


In Key Stage One, children have an hour of Maths every day with one lesson per week dedicated to arithmetic (detailed below). Our aim in Key Stage 1 is to build on children’s practical skills and develop early formal written approaches. A key focus at this age is developing a child’s fluency and accuracy in recalling number facts so that they can manipulate numbers to solve a growing range of mathematical problems.  


In Key Stage Two, children have an hour of Maths every day with one lesson per week dedicated to arithmetic (detailed below). Our aim in Key Stage 2 is to equip children with the ability to use the concise methods for tackling multi-step maths problems and develop their reasoning skills to logically complete more complex challenges.


Our teachers use their knowledge of the pupils to plan appropriate work that supports and challenges at all ability levels and that meets the objectives for the pupils in their year group. 








1s (children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20,)

Year 1


Random Testing



Random Testing

2s & 5s


Random Testing

2s, 5s & 10s

Year 2


Random Testing

2s, 5s 10s & 3s


Random Testing

2s, 5s 10s, 3s & 4s


Random Testing

2s, 5s 10s, 3s, 4s & 8s

Year 3


Random Testing

2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s & 6s


Random Testing

2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s & 7s


Random Testing

2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s & 9s

Year 4


Random Testing

2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s, 9s & 11s


Random Testing

2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s & 12s


Testing Term

Year 5/6


Manipulation of all times tables



Arithmetic skills are taught throughout our daily delivery of Maths in line with each year group’s programme of study. In addition, we have dedicated weekly lessons where arithmetic skills are taught and practised and progress is monitored through weekly ‘success tests’.

These tests grow with the pupils’ knowledge, ensuring that children develop the confidence, pace and fluency of the basic skills for their year group. Over the weeks we expect to see the children’s scores improve as they become exposed to each skill and become increasingly fluent. 

Conferencing opportunities are available to pupils who require any additional support so that no child is left behind. Maths interventions are used to address gaps in attainment. 

Times tables

Pupils who have mastered their multiplications are more confident and competent in all aspects of Maths. This is why we work hard to teach times tables, embed the facts and track pupil's progress. We want all of our children to be fluent in their recall. 


To support the class teaching of the times tables, we set weekly homework using the TimesTables RockStars App (

This engaging and fun approach not only helps children to become more fluent but also supports arithmetic understanding, develops mathematical concepts and raises maths confidence. It's also a great way of preparing pupils for the new Government Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The MTC is a test for Year 4 pupils (starting in the academic year 2019/20). It's purpose is to measure national attainment in the recalling of times tables.   
