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Meet the Governors

Trust Governance


Link Role


Esther Martin

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor




*School Development

*Governor Training

Nicola Martin

Vice Chair of Governors

Local Authority Governor



*Early Years

*Special Educational Needs

Tejinder Dehal

Parent Governor



*Pupil Premium and Sports Premium

Laura O’Donovan

Parent Governor



*UNICEF/Rights Respecting School

Gary Thornton

Co-opted Governor


*Health and Safety

*Staff wellbeing

Les Powell

Co-opted Governor





Dan Fowlie

Head of School


Sian Ferguson

Staff Governor


*School Development





The Role of the Governing Body

Governing bodies have three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is spent well.


The governing body operates at a strategic level, leaving the head teacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to it for the operational day-to-day running of the school. Although governors are volunteers, they have a demanding role that requires skill and professionalism. As leaders of the school they are accountable to Ofsted for its effectiveness.


Walsall Wood Governors

We believe our governance to be very effective because we have:

  • the right people around the table;
  • understanding of roles & responsibilities;
  • excellent chairing;
  • professional clerking;
  • relationships based on trust;
  • knowledge the school – the data, the staff, the parents, the children, the community;
  • commitment to asking challenging questions;
  • confidence to have courageous conversations in the interests of the children at Walsall Wood.

Our governing body has been successfully re-constituted. All governors, (other than the Head) have a term of office of four years. Members are voted into the positions by either members of the governing body or in the case of parent representatives, by parents. All governors complete an annual skills audit and declaration of interest. 

Governing Body Attendance Information

In February 2022, Governors at Walsall Wood School voted unanimously against having a Governors Allowances Policy. They wish to carry out their duties in a voluntary capacity; which extends to not accepting allowances. 
