Walsall Wood School
Brownhills Road
E: postbox@walsallwoodprimary.org.uk
T: 01543 452664
Statutory Hours: 8:45am-3:15pm (before and after school provision is available-please see our Parents section).
If you have any queries that are not answered on this site, please do not hesitate to contact the school administrators Mrs Karen Fellows and Miss Rachel Whittaker to be directed
to the appropriate member of staff or an appointment made for you.
Head of School - Mr D. Fowlie
Special Educational Needs Leader - Mrs S. Probert
Chair of Governors- Mrs E. Martin
Data Protection Officer
The data protection officer is responsible for overseeing data protection compliance at our school and across the Trust.
Our Data Protection Officer is provided by: Services 4 Schools Ltd
If you have any queries that relate to how the school use your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer by emailing: