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Playground Buddies

Lunchtimes at Walsall Wood are calm and happy. Children are engaged in activities and love to play with their many friends. Behaviour is excellent because we have positive, preventative systems in place. 


Our Playground buddies are a daily lunch time patrol that lead on positive behaviour. Trained in mediation, they are able to support with any minor disputes to resolve conflict. 


Each day Y5 Buddies, led by a Y6 Sergeant, patrol their zones to make sure everyone is engaged and happy. Our Y6 Captain, oversees his team and has the vital role of informing  Mr Webb, staff lead, of anything that concerns him. 


How Can Buddies Help?

  • If there has been a disagreement amongst friends, the buddies will do their very best to resolve this using their communication skills.
  • If a child is lonely or sad, Buddies will locate a sports leader to engage them in play with other children.
  • If there is something more serious, such as someone behaving in a dangerous way, the captain will report to Mr Webb who will deal with the problem and decide if Mr Fowlie needs to be involved. 

Buddy Teams
