Assessment at Walsall Wood
At Walsall Wood we use a term by term system of tracking attainment and progress in Reading and Maths using NFER assessments. These assessment tests identify which age related objectives the children have achieved and provide a standardised score to track progress across the year. We assess Writing against end of year expectations at several points throughout the year.
Assessment information allows teachers to ascertain how many children are working on track, as well as those working above the expected level. Where children are working below the expected level, interventions are used to ensure accelerated progress.
Statutory Assessment
On entry to Reception, every child will complete the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). At the end of the Reception year, every child is assessed against the Development Matters document to establish whether they have made a ‘good level of development' (GLD).
In Year 1, all children are expected to sit a ‘Reading by Six’ test. This national reading test gathers information about children’s phonic ability.
In Year 4, all children are expected to complete a 'Multiplication Tables Check'. This national test gathers information about children's recall fluently in their times tables.
In Years 2 & 6, children will complete SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) for Reading, Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) during the summer term. Their writing will be assessed by the class teacher, with judgements monitored by the Local Authority.