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British Values

At Walsall Wood School, we value diversity and individuality while recognising that we are one family and one community.  A range of learning opportunities teach children pride for their local area, their country and the world.


Our children appreciate the importance of respecting members of the local community. We work closely with our local church and charities when fundraising and we carry out several community events such as our choir's annual performance with The Staffordshire Brass band. We link to local businesses, such as our local Co-op. We also have great links to our local secondary schools through the many transition events held throughout the year. We believe children who love where they are from, contribute positively to their environment  and act as role models to others. We wear our Walsall Wood badge with pride and know that despite our unique differences we hold true to shared values such as honesty, respect and tolerance. 


So that children gain a greater understanding of democracy, our School Mayor is voted into position each year following an election in which every child has a vote. This year, the School council have interviewed our local member of parliament, Wendy Morton, and have also been to visit Walsall's Mayor. Every child understands that there is a fair system in school that allows their voice to be heard. 


Because our behaviour system has clear and consistent expectations, pupils understand the rule of law and distinguish between right and wrong. The safety lessons within PSHE, and the training they undertake in swimming, online safety, Bikeability, supports children to recognise the need for rules to keep themselves and others safe. Children take responsibilities for their actions and are very much a part of the restorative justice approach used at break times. Playground Buddies lead happy and peaceful play alongside trained Sports Leaders.


Throughout the year our children take part in a number of performances and talent shows and represent the school at sporting events in order to develop their individual liberty. Their talents are nurtured so that they grow in self esteem, self knowledge and self confidence. Anti-bullying has a high profile in school due to our annual whole school project; therefore, children understand their rights and responsibilities and value our zero tolerance approach. Freedom of speech is promoted; the texts studied in English allow children to debate points of views and express their opinions. As a Unicef Rights Respecting School with a Silver award, children understand their rights and are taught to be vocal when ensuring these rights are met. 


Respect and tolerance are considered to be the Walsall Wood Way and therefore these are high priorities. Because relationships between staff and pupils are so strong, adults hold honest, sensitive conversations with children that challenge stereotypes and tackle discrimination. Critical thinking skills are developed through the use of daily reflection time. Our RE curriculum ensures that children understand their own and other cultures and that they actively ask questions and develop their own points of view.

